Strong and sustainable development in right proportion with the economic development of our country being proactive in policies of healthcare system


Extensive experience in the pharmaceutical field. Well prepared, dynamic and highly motivated personnel. An inspiring and welcoming work environment. Clear customer care goals and an always-improving customer approach.


FUFARMA will continue to be a prominent company in distribution of innovative pharmaceutical products from forerunning producers and creation of our own products basket


Certifications gives pharmaceutical industry new management tool to improve patient safety

FUFARMA is a licensed pharmaceutical importer/wholesaler

FUFARMA has been the first pharmaceutical enterprise in Albania to obtain the Certificate of the Standard System for the Management of the Quality ISO 9001-2000 / ISO 9001-2008 issued by the Certification Entity of the European Community and keeping its standards certification up to date.

FUFARMA is member of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana and American Chamber of Commerce.

About us

FUFARMA sh.a with headquarter in Tirana, is one of the Albanian leading players in elaboration, distribution of imported and local pharmaceuticals also the supply of medical materials and equipment. It has enjoyed the exclusivity for storage, supervision, supply of medical materials and medicaments for all hospitals of Albania and the right of distribution for all medicaments of bids by the Ministry of Health for the health institutions. The company has previously shown extensive distribution capacity for drugs and health products, handling huge volumes of works.

Medical marketing

FUFARMA operates and achieves medical marketing activities; directly or in the field of services and assistance to partners who need such professional advice.

Accurate services

FUFARMA performs straight accurate services to the patient all over its network of twelve pharmacies including the pharmacies in ownership and those in co-ownership.


In the entireness of its activity, FUFARMA aims and fulfil high ethical and professional standards and full compliance with legal and regulatory framework.

The Most Popular Products

The information on this site does not substitute doctor or pharmacist consultancy

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Magne B6

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70 years a success

Founded in 1946, FUFARMA is the first Albanian pharmaceutical company. Located in Tirana, in premises of 14,000 sqm with moreover than 8,000 sqm warehouses and over 610 m3 refrigerator

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1946 Fufarma sha was founded

14000 m2 in premises

8000 m2 warehouses

610 m3 refrigerator capacity

100 % success rate

Our Partners

Working with prestigious partners allows FUFARMA to engage in important opportunities,
encouraging innovation and ensuring the prudent use of traditional and new products
"Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine"
George Byron