FUFARMA sha with headquarter in Tirana, is one of the Albanian leading players in elaboration, distribution of imported and local pharmaceuticals also the supply of medical materials and equipment.
It has enjoyed the exclusivity for storage, supervision, supply of medical materials and medicaments for all hospitals of Albania and the right of distribution for all medicaments of bids by the Ministry of Health for the health institutions. The company has previously shown extensive distribution capacity for drugs and health products, handling huge volumes of works.
FUFARMA holds all capacities for providing the pharmaceuticals in unusual or emergency cases and has previously managed these situations based on the decisions of Council of Ministers for such specific cases.
Since 2015 besides the increase in value, the company's revenues have also changed the structure moving from a report that 63% of revenues were generated by free markets and 37% of public procurement, in a structure where 97% of earnings comes from the free market.
FUFARMA imports and distributes pharmaceutical products, medical, nutritional supplements, dermal-cosmetic products and pre-medical products for mother care, child, eyes, etc.
These products are distributed directly to the network of pharmacies, public and private hospitals or primary and secondary similar health institutions.
The activity is completely implemented conform the Good Distribution Practice, which means that:
- The product is imported only from guaranteed origin.
- The product is transported safely and according to recommended standards.
- The product is verified and certified before the final storage.
- The product is stored and prepared for distribution in the appropriate conditions, according to the approved standards.
Our company has a consolidated experience, logistic and efficiency in cooperation with Ministry of Health, Public Health institutions, Hospitals, General Directory of Health as well as with private pharmaceutical network. An extensive network of sales targeting hospitals, wholesalers and pharmacies enables effective market penetration, positioning FUFARMA strongly in Albanian market.
FUFARMA perform regulatory services, which means that:
- Assists in the planning process of application for drugs or variations registration etc.
- Carry out new registrations and re-registration; monitors and preserves the existing records, etc.
- Delivers Pharmaceutical vigilance services at the country level
FUFARMA operates and achieves medical marketing activities; directly or in the field of services and assistance to partners who need such professional advice.
FUFARMA performs straight accurate services services to the patient all over its network of twelve pharmacies including the pharmacies in ownership and those in co- ownership.
In the entireness of its activity, FUFARMA aims and fulfil high ethical and professional standards and full compliance with legal and regulatory framework.
Financial Figures and Staff
In the recent years, the annual turnover of FUFARMA has increased significantly starting with 50% increase in 2010 compared to 2009 and currently in the last two years an increase of 19.85% in 2015 compared to 2014 and a 20% increase in 2016 compared to 2015.
Long experience and efficiency of a highly qualified technical staff, from doctors, pharmacists to the sales staff gives FUFARMA the colors of a professional and reliable partner in the Albanian market
Premises and Means of Transportation
FUFARMA is located in Tirana in premises of 14,000 sqm with moreover than 8,000 sqm warehouses and over 610 m3 refrigerator capacity of optimal conditions for elaborating. Click Here for Google Map
All the buildings including administration buildings have passed through several reconstructions and renovations, aiming to create a perfect infrastructure for such service. The company's premises are still in the process of modernization and further increase of the capacities to support its growing business profile.
The company owns all the transportation means and equipment of different capacities as well as facilities that make possible the accurate delivery in time, quality as per demand in national scale.