May 24th, 1946 - 1995
Founded in May 24th, 1946 as a state enterprise with the status of a "strategic enterprise". The only company that performs supply/ distribution and import of medicines, materials and medical equipment, materials and laboratory equipment, contrasting materials, medical disinfectants, raw and auxiliary pharmaceutical materials etc.
A "strategic enterprise" with headquarter in Tirana and activity covering the entire country, Fufarma had a number of strategically placed warehouses intended for specific circumstances located in Zall-Dajti in Tirana, Durrës, in Bogovë (Skrapar district), Kukës and Besnik (Gramsh district).
Order No.72 of Minister of Finance transforms Fufarma from a "State Enterprise" into a "Commercial enterprise". Although the state continues to keep 100% of the shares, this transformation opens the way to shape a more flexible organization with a commercial profile.
Following the Order No.3/10 of the Finance Minister, 30% of Fufarma shares are privatized, paving the way for the creation of a jointly owned entity with Public-Private status. By this time Fufarma has an important role as facilitator / supporter of the pharmaceutical market transformation from an exclusively state market into a free market where becomes visible the increase of the private capital. (Fufarma still retains the status of a "strategic enterprise")
Following the Order No.183 of Minister of Economy, a further stake of 35% of Fufarma shares owned by the state was privatized. Fufarma remains a Private Public Partnership but now is an enterprise with 65% of shares in private ownership. This significantly increased the private commercial profile of the enterprise and opened the way for its transformation.
17.11.2000 - 2006
Accordingly to its status as the only company with the Public Private Partnership (in pharmaceutical sector), the Council of Ministers with it Decision Nr.611 of appoints Fufarma to procure in a centralized way and to guarantee the supply to the health institutions, with a group of medications and treatment materials according to a specific list approved annually by the Ministry of Health.
03.01.2007 - up date
Aventis Intercontinental and Sanofi Aventis Commercial (part of Sanofi-Aventis Group) contracts Fufarma to distribute and promote their most strategic products in the territory of Albania.
19.06.2004 - 2008
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania, Decision no. 390 dated 19.06.2004, appoints Fufarma as a strategic enterprise with Public Private Partnership, to ensure uninterrupted supply to all hospitals of the country. Fufarma participation in this activity, in addition to escalation of the quality for the service offered, saved to the state 25% of the total value of the tenders previously lost as a result of corrupt activities (World Bank Report Nr. 32612; February 2006).
16.10.2012 - up date
In pursuit to the Order Nr. 688 of the Minister of Economy, Commerce and Energy Fufarma is transformed into a completely privately owned company. Following the modernization and further strengthening its business profile, Fufarma has become one of the most important actors of the Albanian pharmaceutical market.
In 2015, the company's revenues exceed a ratio 63% from the free market and 37% of state tenders to 97% from the private market. This new positioning has also introduced the new challenges for the coming years with the immediate plan of increasing the products portfolio on different basis of cooperation and also the ambitious plan for producing own products to the European standards in its facilities.
24 May 2016
Fufarma celebrates its 70th anniversary. The festive ceremony was attended by prominent physicians and pharmacists, notables and senior representatives of health, local authorities and the diplomatic corps accredited in Albania, local representatives of international pharmaceutical companies, representatives of the Albanian pharmaceutical wholesalers etc.
In this occasion Fufarma announced also the introduction in the Albanian market of "ILKO Pharmaceuticals" a company with which it launched a long standing cooperation. In this event "ILKO Pharmaceuticals" was represented by the company's CEO and other executives.
10 years of cooperation between Fufarma and Sanofi, the Republic of Albania. Fufarma continues to remain the most successful local collaborator of Sanofi.
March 2017
Sign of an agreement for the foundation of a joint venture between FUFARMA and BioDue (Italy) for the construction of a plant for pharmaceutical production for capsules and tablets in Tirana, according to the highest "Good Manufacturing Practice".