On the occasion of the 70th anniversary and activity FUFARMA organized in its premises a special ceremony, inviting doctors specialists in different fields, pharmacists, high ranks officials and representatives of institutions, politics and the diplomatic corps, local representatives of international pharmaceutical companies, representatives of the Albanian pharmaceutical distributors, business representatives, media, medical associations, collaborators, etc.
The national and local media covered this activity in chronicles and articles.
The company ILKO Pharmaceutical has reflected the ceremony of 70th anniversary of FUFARMA together with the launch of cooperation between the two companies of 27 May 2016.
World Bank report February 2006
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania, Decision no. 390 dated 19.06.2004, appoints Fufarma as a strategic enterprise with Public Private Partnership, to ensure uninterrupted supply to all hospitals of the country. Fufarma participation in this activity, in addition to escalation of the quality for the service offered, saved to the state 25% of the total value of the tenders previously lost as a result of corrupt activities (World Bank Report Nr. 32612; February 2006).
Bio Due
The Chairman of the Biodue SpA Board of Directors, has signed an agreement to set up a joint venture with Fufarma (Albania) for the construction of a plant for pharmaceutical production for capsules and tablets on a surface area of approximately 2,100 square meters in Tirana, according to the highest specific GMP ( "Good Manufacturing Practice").